Expert Consultation on Family and Parenting Support UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, May 26-27, 2014
NiaCCFD attended an Expert Consultation on Family and Parenting Support organized by UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, May 26-27, 2014, in Florence, Italy. The aim of the consultation was to bring together researchers, academics and international agencies to discuss concepts, frameworks, policy orientations and elements of provision in relation to family and parenting support.
Dr. Emebet Mulugeta, Director of NiaCCFD, made a presentation on “Gendered Role in Parenting and Parenting Support in Ethiopia”. The presentation highlighted the policy and other legal provisions on family and parenting support in Ethiopia; the gendered patterns of parenting responsibilities; current practices, and available parenting support services.
Go to for a copy of the presentation. (
Mary Daly, Professor in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, at the University of Oxford presented the preliminary findings on “Family and Parenting Support: Analytical Framework and Key Orientations in Policy and Provisions” and discussions were carried out. This was followed by several case studies from various countries showing available parenting family support policies, strategies, and experiences on protecting children under different difficult circumstances. The consultaton was attended by representatives of relevant UN organizations, academic institutions and NGOs.